project - icon


Universal mod

Clumps XP orbs together to reduce lag

Server utilityStorageUtility & qol

193.88M downloads 0 followers
Created 8 years ago
Updated a month ago

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID

Clumps groups XP orbs together into a single entity to reduce lag when there are many in a small area. On top of this, it also makes the player immediately collect the orbs once they touch the player, so you are not stuck with a bunch of orbs in your face.

Do I have to install it client or server side?

  • For 1.17 or newer versions it is only required on server side.

  • For older Minecraft versions you have to install it on both sides.


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This project is sponsored by Nodecraft. Use code JARED for 30% off your first month of service!