The bridge no one asked for!

Explore CurseForge's Minecraft mods & modpacks through an API that is compatible with Modrinth's fully documented API

Fast and powerful search

Find what you want, quickly and easily

We are invested in making it extremely simple to find what you want to play. Our search is adaptable, customizable, and easy to use! Whether you're a power user or someone who just discovered the world of Minecraft modding, we've got you covered.

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  "id": "238222",
  "slug": "jei",
  "project_type": "mod",
  "team": "32358",
  "title": "Just Enough Items (JEI)",
  "description": "View Items and Recipes",
  "body": "...",
  "published": "2015-11-23T22:55:58.8400000Z",
  "updated": "2022-08-18T05:46:50.8900000Z",

Simple to integrate

An open-source API for everyone to use

The CurseRinth API is based on the Modrinth's fully documented API, so that existing projects can just try CurseRinth can just try it by just changing a single URL